Monday, December 17, 2007

Hershey Park, Hot Chocolate and an Eagles Victory

Saturday we went to Hershey Park with our some friends of ours. (Jason and AnneMarie Yocom their two children, 'Goose', and Jason's sister and her son.) The kids love to ride the rides even when it's 20 degrees outside, but the Hershey hot chocolate makes everything good for the adults. You have to love Hot Chocolate made with fresh Hershey's Cocoa!!

Me and my business mentor

My wife and I in Hershey

On Sunday my In-Laws had a Christmas open house. It was basically anther excuse to get together, eat food and watch football. My brother-in-law and I are almost positive that Green Bay is going to go to the Super Bowl vs. the Patriots. Win and Favre will be able to retire with a Super Bowl Ring and step down with his head held high.

After the Green Bay game we jumped into the new Xterra and drove up to Reading, PA to watch the Eagles/Dallas game with the Yocom's. Of course the Eagles pull of a great win once it doesn't matter anymore. Even McNabb showed up to the game and played like he used to when he was "young." It was exciting to be able to rub a Eagle win in my brother-in-laws face who is a huge Dallas fan.

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