Friday, January 25, 2008

Trying out a new browser

I have used firefox for a long time and I love it. I like being able to customize it with extensions and themes. I have tried using safari for a while but there were too many quirky things that would happen with it. Flock is another social networking browser that I have used in the past and liked, but still found myself going back to Firefox. Recently, I found out Flock will be releasing a new version in the next week or so. I was very excited to have more options when it comes to web browsing and the integration of social networking.
For those who are not familiar Flock is built off of the same frame work as Firefox so most of the extensions that you have come to love will work in Flock as well. The best thing about Flock is the intergreation with all of your accounts and networks that work with if not multiple times a day at least once.
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Xanga
  • Blogger
  • Twitter
The list goes on. . . Not to mention a built in RSS reader and many other amenities.
Below is a screen shots of the facebook integration:

The new version of Flock will also integrate an email notifier as well as other options I'm sure. I'm currently using the blogging tool to post this message to my blog. This tool allows you to type and post new blog entries in a separate window without actually having to visit your blog page. So far it is working quite nicely. I'm sure I will have more to say in the future.

update: The image uploader in the blog tool could use some work. I had to log back in to blogger and fix the image.

Blogged with Flock

1 comment:

mudwoman1326 said...

No, I didnt see the Biggest Loser. I'm sure my coworker did though. She watches it religiously.

Breakfast soda? There is no such bird. I might have to catch that eppie online.