Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sitting in Denver, CO

I had a busy busy week in Denver for a Multiple Sclerosis meeting. I landed on Wednesday and I'm sitting in the airport now getting ready to depart for Philly. I never realized how tired you can get by just standing. We were working an exhibit for a client of ours. It was only 2 days but it felt like a whole week.

My Aunt lives about 70 miles south of Denver, and she came up to visit me in Denver yesterday. I haven't seen her for a couple of years now. It was really good to she her, and she informed me one of the altitude can have a lot to do with how tired you feel here. Who knew?

. . . Random a guy has now just "jogged" by my gate at the airport 3 times. He's in a t-shirt and running shorts! Wow! I wonder if he is living in the airport?!?!?

My brother-in-law just told me there is a Tornado warning in place until 5pm EST great my plane is suppose to land at 4. I really really hope they don't delay my plane. I want to get home!!

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