Monday, December 24, 2007

Annual Christmas trip to NYC

Saturday was our second annual trip to NYC. We took one of Dad's buses up to the City. I think there was about 25-30 of us that went.

This year My father-in-law made a phone call and got us tickets to the
American Museum of Natural History. (That place is huge.) Only 5 of us went to the Museum, Dad and Mom Brynan, Becky and Me, and our friend Amanda. We walked for hours, and still only saw a fraction of the Museum. We had picked out a few select portions of the Museum that we wanted to see. Mom and Dad had just watched "Night at the Museum" and Mom wanted to see the T-Rex! Unfortunately it's tucked away in the corner of the fourth floor not in the main rotunda like in the movie.

We also had to make our way to the Pacific Islander Section of the Museum to see this guy:

"Hey dumb dumb, you got gum gum?"

After the Museum we caught the subway back downtown to catch up with the rest of our group down by Radio City Music Hall and Rockefeller Center.

Becky and I almost got a ticket before we boarded the subway. We both purchased a subway pass and Becky went to go through the "gate" first. She swiped her card and then pushed the gate but it locked before she could get through. So, we just decided to swipe mine and go through at the same time. Apparently, there was a cop watching us do the whole thing and then approached us when we started to walk downstairs.

"Excuse me!", he said, "what did you guys just do?" and then we tried to explain and then he said . . . "I know what you did." My question for him is? "why the heck did you ask us what we are doing and then tell us you saw what we did?" Anyway, he told us that it looked like we were trying to steal a fair on the subway. IT'S TWO DOLLARS!! why would I want to steal a two dollar ride on the dirty subway. He said that we should have went and bought a THIRD ticket! Just because the City of New York has a bad subway gate design. Mom bolted as soon as she saw the cop walk up to us "thanks mom" and Dad came back to talk to us, too. Well, we didn't get a ticket and nobody was arrested for "stealing" a subway ride.

From the Museum on 79th we took the subway to 42nd and walked to Radio City & Rockefellar Center.

"Becky and JT"

From there the 5 of us went and had dinner at Rosie O' Grady's and then it was back to wait for the bus. The poor bus driver got stuck in traffic for 30-45 min trying to get back to pick us up, but it was a good time to take pictures while we waited. Amanda took a couple of Becky and me I'll post them once she sends them to me. But here are a couple others . . .

"Little Man, JT"

"Me and Nicky"

1 comment:

mudwoman1326 said...

Heck, She could have just jumped the gate.
I've never done that in sir...
I haven't done it in DC either...nope. NOT ME!