Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I've got to get better...

. . . at updating this blog. . .

Christmas day was crazy busy we started it at mom and dad's in the morning . . .


after 5 stops and about 12 hours

we finished the day at John and Bev's (another Christmas tradition)

Last weekend we went to Pittsburgh with my parents and In-laws. My parents came from Michigan and Becky's parents, who live in the same town as we do, left a few hours before us. Becky and I drove out after work. It was a great weekend. I'll try to post some pictures later on. . . (this time I hope it's less than 2 weeks later)

We stayed south west of the city in Green Tree it's about a 10 min drive into downtown. Of course the weekend we plan to go is the same weekend that the Steelers and the Penguins BOTH had a home game. It was a good time and it was good to see the family.

Now it's back to the full work week. . . This weekend we are planning ANOTHER trip this time we are going to Virginia to see Ryan, Emily and Baby Brooke.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah, the Wii is great! Gets me up and moving while playing video games (not that I have that much time for such things). You could always set yourself a goal for which the reward would be a wii :) 7500 would be a good one!