Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 7 - 3.31.08

Well the last day in Puerto Rico was sunny and nice for the most part. We sat by the pool for about a half hour before it started to rain. Then we went inside packed up and ran to the mall. Becky wanted to get a book for the plane ride home which was fine because I've been wanting to get a new book as well. The mall was absolutely crazy. People everywhere. . . There was some sort of festival going on across the street from the mall with TONS of people. Here are a couple of the last pictures I took while in Puerto Rico. . .

I love these pictures they turned out MUCH better than I thought they would.

It was sad to leave Puerto Rico, but we had to . . . our cat Riley was glad to see us once we got home. . .

Yes, He sat there while I worked on one of my websites for a long time.

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