Sunday, March 30, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 6 - 3.30.08

Another lazy morning yesterday and we had a difficult time trying to decide what we wanted to do. However, we waited just long enough and about 12:00-12:30 the gray skys rolled in and parked over Guaynabo for the rest of the day. So as the Puerto Rican's would say, "What to do?" We decided to go see a movie last night. I was between "Horton" and "Drillbit Taylor" Becky, Amanda and I agreed on "Drillbit" It was a really funny movie I would definitely suggest going to go see it, or at least put it on your Netflix when it hits DVD.

"Becky doing her Karate kick"

The theater we we too down here was a Caribbean Cinemas. As Becky said, "It looks like a Disney World ride!"

Today is the day that we have been dreading. I guess that would be tomorrow when I have to get up and go to work. Our flight back home to Philly is at 6:12 pm. Everyone knows that the planes never leave on time why do they always schedule such exact flight times? It is sad for us to be leaving our friends in Puerto Rico, but Becky and I were saying that we both are starting to miss home.

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