Sunday, March 9, 2008

New MacBook Pro!!!

I bought my first Mac!!

Last Friday I received a call from Best Buy telling me that my piece of garbage 'HP' laptop was approved for a warranty replacement. Thank goodness I was about a week from the warranty being over! I went to Best Buy Saturday afternoon to see what my options were for receiving a replacement computer. Turns out they give you the amount of money you spent on the original computer to replace or put towards a new one in my case.

Let's see if I can make the the least confusing as possible. On the Tuesday before I went to BB apple released their new line of macbooks. I went to BB to see if they had the new ones in stock yet. Turns out they didn't, but what they did have was the old line of macbooks all marked down. (Merry Christmas to me) Long story very short I asked the Manager if they could give me anymore for money towards my laptop. When I bought my HP retailed for about $300 more than I paid because it was marked down as an open box return. He told me they couldn't give me any more money, but that they had the old $2,500 MacBook Pro marked down to $1,699. I think I told him I would take the apple before he finished his sentence.

So . . . the new computer is a 2.4 Ghz 15" MacBook Pro with 2Gb of RAM and a 120GB hard dive. I absolutely love it!! If you are in the market for a new computer I highly recommend the MacBook Pro.

I've been a Windows-PC guy all my life, but finally decided I was fed-up with Microsoft after the so called upgrade they released. (Vista) I wasn't going to purchase a new computer just to be frustrated and stuck with an Operating System that didn't like.

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