Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 2 - 3.26.08

Amanda, Becky and myself started off yesterday at the beach and we were there for just a short time before we realized the wind and the sand was blowing way to much for us to enjoy our time there. Before I move on to lunch. . . I was almost attacked by an Iguana [pics later] I was laying on a sheet and I had my eyes closed when I opened them there was a 3 foot iguana just a couple feet away! It scared the crap out of me. He then decided he wanted to be friendly and proceeded to get closer to us. Amanda and Becky were not down with that. (Amanda got some great pictures)
After the near death experience with the 3 foot iguana Amanda's friend Rebecca called her and asked if we would like to come and sit by her pool. Needless to say it was a unanimous "YES" so it was off to grab some lunch at "pinky's" and then to the pool for the rest of the afternoon. The water was great!
Matt met us at the pool after he got off work and we chilled for awhile then it was off to the Chinese Restaurant for some dinner! Matt called two of their friends and they met us for dinner as well as Rebecca. We ate and ate and then ordered more and ate again! I was using my chop sticks to eat my fried rice. . . always takes a while and the waiter came up to my and with his Puerto Rican accent said, "we close at 11:00 don't take all night" We all about died laughing. After dinner it was back to the house for bed. . .

1 comment:

MrsWissmann said...

"Near Death Experiance" Pft! Your almost as much of a drama queen as I am!