Thursday, March 27, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 3 - 3.27.08

Yesterday we all slept in a little. Amanda and I slept in till about 8:00-8:15 and Becky till . . . it was going on 10:00. We spent most of the day sitting by the pool at the Hilton which we aren't staying at, but Amanda and Matt lived their for two months of their life so they feel like they own the place. We grabbed lunch about 3:00 and headed home about 5:00. Becky and Amanda went to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner last night and tonight, and Matt and I just chilled at the house.

This has been a very relaxing and greatly needed vacation. The only downside is we're going to have to go home at some point.

Today it's off to the Rain Forest!!

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