Monday, September 22, 2008

Dover Downs - NASCAR race

My father-in-law and I went to the NASCAR race on Sunday it was great!! here are a couple of pics . . .

The 'Monster' Mile

"I have got to get me one of these!!"

One of the incidents that lead to a caution flag

Greg Biffle won the race

We had a really great time. One of dad's clients hooked us up with Skybox Tickets!! My first NASCAR race and I'm spoiled now. Thanks for the great day Dad. Oh and Happy Birthday. . . :-)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hawk Nelson - I Still Miss You

My brother-in-law just showed me this video. As some of you may know we will be participating in the Relay for Life on June 20th. I hope that this video means as much to some of you as it does me.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sitting in Denver, CO

I had a busy busy week in Denver for a Multiple Sclerosis meeting. I landed on Wednesday and I'm sitting in the airport now getting ready to depart for Philly. I never realized how tired you can get by just standing. We were working an exhibit for a client of ours. It was only 2 days but it felt like a whole week.

My Aunt lives about 70 miles south of Denver, and she came up to visit me in Denver yesterday. I haven't seen her for a couple of years now. It was really good to she her, and she informed me one of the altitude can have a lot to do with how tired you feel here. Who knew?

. . . Random a guy has now just "jogged" by my gate at the airport 3 times. He's in a t-shirt and running shorts! Wow! I wonder if he is living in the airport?!?!?

My brother-in-law just told me there is a Tornado warning in place until 5pm EST great my plane is suppose to land at 4. I really really hope they don't delay my plane. I want to get home!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Who's a bad blogger??

May is almost over and I'm just now making my first post of the month . . . yeah I kind of dropped off of the grid there for a while. Tomorrow is the Annual Memorial Day Clam Bake, Always a great time. I will be making my world famous taco/nacho cheese dip. (It's pretty awesome if you ask me) I'm planning on taking the camera and I will hopefully get to post some pictures of the day.

So I'm going to go a on a little bit of a rant here so please bare with me. I purchased a wireless router right before I bought my new MacBook Pro. It is a Belkin 802.11n for those that don't know what that mean's. Just think really fast especially with the new Mac's, or so I thought. As soon as I brought home my Mac I started having trouble. I wouldn't work on a secure network at all, and it only works occasionally on a unsecured network. One would think if you have a $2,500 notebook and $100 router everything would work right? NO! So, my next step was to do a little research on this router. Apparently the Belkin Router that I purchase is notorious for not working with Apple products. errrrrrr..... I have been battling with a half functioning router now for two months and I'm just about ready to through it out the appartment window, but for now I'll take a couple of steps back and continue staying PLUGGED IN to my router.

Who has two thumbs? buys a wireless router? and plugs in with an ethernet cable? This Guy.

I think I will be purchasing an Apple AirPort Extreme in the very near future. Or maybe the new Time Capsule OOooOooooOo

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Meredith's Miracle cont. . .

Becky and I are going to be leaving tonight after work for Meredith's Memorial Service that going to be held on Saturday. Please remember to keep the Rankin Family and Friends in your prayers.

Below are the lyrics to a song that I was listening today, and it reminded me that life IS hard sometimes and we have to take time to "find ourselves."

"Wish You Well"

by Thousand Foot Krutch

Sometimes love, feels like pain, and sometimes I wonder if it's all the same, sometimes life, feels just like rain, cause you never know, when it's gonna
fall down on you

I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself
Sometimes faith, feels like doubt, and sometimes I wonder if we'll even get out, sometimes life hurts just like now, but ya gotta know, it's all gonna come back around

I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself
find yourself,
I can't help you find yourself,
find yourself...

and we were sixteen at the time, nothing could ever change our minds, we were one step below invincible, and we always fought it, you've never been the
same, you were so scared to make a name, then you threw it all away, and i wish you'd come back now.

I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself, I wish you well,
I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find you

I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself

find yourself,
I can't help you find yourself, find yourself,
I can't help you find yourself...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meredith's Miracle

I will be the first to admit that I'm not very eloquent . . .

My best friend Justin, his wife Meredith went home to be with the Lord this morning at 7:45. Her family sent an update via her blog this morning She won her battle with cancer. We don't have answers we may never will, but what we do know is that as of this morning at 7:45 her fight is over, she is pain free, she is cancer free, and she is the happiest she has ever been, in the presence of her Lord and Savior.

Some may read this and say, "she didn't win" I want to tell you that she won because she is the strongest person I have ever met. Even on the day the Doctors told her she only had weeks to live she got up from where she was sitting and began to tell other cancer patients that they can beat their cancer and to fight hard. She won because she was a Christian and is now in the presence of God. She will be missed greatly by friends and family, but she will never be forgotten.

She touched more lives during her sickness than she ever would have had she not gotten cancer. This is just ONE of the many of "Meredith's Miracles"

We Love and miss you Meredith Rankin

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

First Rita's of 2008

Becky and I went to Rita's after Dinner tonight. It was the first time this season. Rita's is one of our favorite things to do during the summer. Which after the last couple of day's here has to be right around the corner. It has been beautiful out lately. . .

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 7 - 3.31.08

Well the last day in Puerto Rico was sunny and nice for the most part. We sat by the pool for about a half hour before it started to rain. Then we went inside packed up and ran to the mall. Becky wanted to get a book for the plane ride home which was fine because I've been wanting to get a new book as well. The mall was absolutely crazy. People everywhere. . . There was some sort of festival going on across the street from the mall with TONS of people. Here are a couple of the last pictures I took while in Puerto Rico. . .

I love these pictures they turned out MUCH better than I thought they would.

It was sad to leave Puerto Rico, but we had to . . . our cat Riley was glad to see us once we got home. . .

Yes, He sat there while I worked on one of my websites for a long time.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 6 - 3.30.08

Another lazy morning yesterday and we had a difficult time trying to decide what we wanted to do. However, we waited just long enough and about 12:00-12:30 the gray skys rolled in and parked over Guaynabo for the rest of the day. So as the Puerto Rican's would say, "What to do?" We decided to go see a movie last night. I was between "Horton" and "Drillbit Taylor" Becky, Amanda and I agreed on "Drillbit" It was a really funny movie I would definitely suggest going to go see it, or at least put it on your Netflix when it hits DVD.

"Becky doing her Karate kick"

The theater we we too down here was a Caribbean Cinemas. As Becky said, "It looks like a Disney World ride!"

Today is the day that we have been dreading. I guess that would be tomorrow when I have to get up and go to work. Our flight back home to Philly is at 6:12 pm. Everyone knows that the planes never leave on time why do they always schedule such exact flight times? It is sad for us to be leaving our friends in Puerto Rico, but Becky and I were saying that we both are starting to miss home.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 5 - 3.29.08

We got a really late start to the day yesterday. We didn't leave the house until after 12:30. We went to Rebecca's apartment and sat by the pool for the rest of the day. I was craving Starbucks ALLLL DAY!! So, finally after we left the pool. . . I got my Starbucks! Carmel Frappachino with whip it was great. Not much else to write about it's kind of a short day when you don't get started until after 12:00.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 4 - 3.28.08

Our trip to the Rain Forest yesterday was absolutly amazing. It's about an 1.5 hour drive from Guaynabo. (which is where Matt and Amanda live) The weather was perfect for hiking. It's amazing how much the weather changes from "town" to the "forest" I took about 200 pix in the Rain Forest and now I have to try to pick out a few of them to post.

I absolutly LOVE this picture!

Last night Amanda, Becky, and Amanda's friend Rebecca cooked dinner. MMmmmmMmm . . . quesadillas. They were frickn' awesome!

After dinner settled we played 'Phase 10' and ate the dessert that Becky and Amanda also made. It was a lemon/strawberry frozen dessert. (I think someone forgot the sugar)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 3 - 3.27.08

Yesterday we all slept in a little. Amanda and I slept in till about 8:00-8:15 and Becky till . . . it was going on 10:00. We spent most of the day sitting by the pool at the Hilton which we aren't staying at, but Amanda and Matt lived their for two months of their life so they feel like they own the place. We grabbed lunch about 3:00 and headed home about 5:00. Becky and Amanda went to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner last night and tonight, and Matt and I just chilled at the house.

This has been a very relaxing and greatly needed vacation. The only downside is we're going to have to go home at some point.

Today it's off to the Rain Forest!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 2 - 3.26.08

Amanda, Becky and myself started off yesterday at the beach and we were there for just a short time before we realized the wind and the sand was blowing way to much for us to enjoy our time there. Before I move on to lunch. . . I was almost attacked by an Iguana [pics later] I was laying on a sheet and I had my eyes closed when I opened them there was a 3 foot iguana just a couple feet away! It scared the crap out of me. He then decided he wanted to be friendly and proceeded to get closer to us. Amanda and Becky were not down with that. (Amanda got some great pictures)
After the near death experience with the 3 foot iguana Amanda's friend Rebecca called her and asked if we would like to come and sit by her pool. Needless to say it was a unanimous "YES" so it was off to grab some lunch at "pinky's" and then to the pool for the rest of the afternoon. The water was great!
Matt met us at the pool after he got off work and we chilled for awhile then it was off to the Chinese Restaurant for some dinner! Matt called two of their friends and they met us for dinner as well as Rebecca. We ate and ate and then ordered more and ate again! I was using my chop sticks to eat my fried rice. . . always takes a while and the waiter came up to my and with his Puerto Rican accent said, "we close at 11:00 don't take all night" We all about died laughing. After dinner it was back to the house for bed. . .

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Puerto Rico! Day 1 - 3.25.08

We got into San Juan yesterday at about 1:30 and we met our friends in old San Juan for a light lunch and Pina Colada's. Apparently, this place is were they originated. (I'm curious if this is for real or like the Worlds Greatest cup of Coffee on "Elf".) Either way it was pretty freakin' awesome.
Matt and Amanda's friends John and Lauren were down from Reading, PA, but had to leave for the airport around 3:15. It was good to see them again and hopefully we'll stay in touch when we get back to the states. They run the website check it out if you are in the Reading, PA area.

Today we got up and it was a little cloudy and it rain for about 5.2 min. and now it's off the the BEACH!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Vacation is HERE!!

We were up before 4 AM and on the road by 5! We made it to Greenville, SC safe and sound now were a getting ready for dinner. I am soooooo freakin hungry we are waiting for everyone to get checked in at the hotel we are staying at the Hyatt Place (just newly renovated 'AmeriSuites' It's AWESOME) My parents and my Aunt & Uncle and some cousins are all coming in. Well I've got to get ready for dinner.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vacation is almost here

I'm getting excited Vacation is pretty much here! I'm taking off work tomorrow in order to pack, run to the bank, pickup anything we may have forgotten at the store, and straighten up the house. Becky is packing right now because she still has to go into the office tomorrow.

I'm chillin' on the couch listening to Jack Johnson and designing a website for my friends band. NavyBlue has been together since '99 and they are trying to get more gigs in our area. (southeast, PA) Hopefully I will have the website up within the next couple of weeks. I'm trying to decide if I want to design it in Xhtml straight or use a CMS particularly Expression Engine. A buddy of mine told me about EE and I would really like to use it. I'm sure it will make updating the site a breeze and we can even include a mini blog if we wanted to.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vacation is coming

We are going to Greenville to visit friends and family over Easter weekend. Then on Sunday we are going to fly out of Charlotte, NC to Puerto Rico. We we will be staying with our friends Matt & Amanda Walls for a WHOLE WEEK!!! I can't wait I just realized today how close vacation was:

6 days left to work
10 days till we leave for Greenville, SC and
12 days till we leave for Puerto Rico!!!!

So excited to make our yearly trip to Tropical Warmness!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New MacBook Pro!!!

I bought my first Mac!!

Last Friday I received a call from Best Buy telling me that my piece of garbage 'HP' laptop was approved for a warranty replacement. Thank goodness I was about a week from the warranty being over! I went to Best Buy Saturday afternoon to see what my options were for receiving a replacement computer. Turns out they give you the amount of money you spent on the original computer to replace or put towards a new one in my case.

Let's see if I can make the the least confusing as possible. On the Tuesday before I went to BB apple released their new line of macbooks. I went to BB to see if they had the new ones in stock yet. Turns out they didn't, but what they did have was the old line of macbooks all marked down. (Merry Christmas to me) Long story very short I asked the Manager if they could give me anymore for money towards my laptop. When I bought my HP retailed for about $300 more than I paid because it was marked down as an open box return. He told me they couldn't give me any more money, but that they had the old $2,500 MacBook Pro marked down to $1,699. I think I told him I would take the apple before he finished his sentence.

So . . . the new computer is a 2.4 Ghz 15" MacBook Pro with 2Gb of RAM and a 120GB hard dive. I absolutely love it!! If you are in the market for a new computer I highly recommend the MacBook Pro.

I've been a Windows-PC guy all my life, but finally decided I was fed-up with Microsoft after the so called upgrade they released. (Vista) I wasn't going to purchase a new computer just to be frustrated and stuck with an Operating System that didn't like.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Navyblue at the Ritz

We went and saw our friend's band play at the Ritz in New Holland last night. It was a great night and we got the chance to hang out with a lot of friends. Becky said it was "the weirdest night ever." I'm sure she'll be posting about it later.++++++++++++-

Blogged with Flock

Friday, January 25, 2008

Trying out a new browser

I have used firefox for a long time and I love it. I like being able to customize it with extensions and themes. I have tried using safari for a while but there were too many quirky things that would happen with it. Flock is another social networking browser that I have used in the past and liked, but still found myself going back to Firefox. Recently, I found out Flock will be releasing a new version in the next week or so. I was very excited to have more options when it comes to web browsing and the integration of social networking.
For those who are not familiar Flock is built off of the same frame work as Firefox so most of the extensions that you have come to love will work in Flock as well. The best thing about Flock is the intergreation with all of your accounts and networks that work with if not multiple times a day at least once.
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Xanga
  • Blogger
  • Twitter
The list goes on. . . Not to mention a built in RSS reader and many other amenities.
Below is a screen shots of the facebook integration:

The new version of Flock will also integrate an email notifier as well as other options I'm sure. I'm currently using the blogging tool to post this message to my blog. This tool allows you to type and post new blog entries in a separate window without actually having to visit your blog page. So far it is working quite nicely. I'm sure I will have more to say in the future.

update: The image uploader in the blog tool could use some work. I had to log back in to blogger and fix the image.

Blogged with Flock

Monday, January 21, 2008

Snowboarding continued

I had an awesome time snowboarding. You couldn't have asked for a better day to go! It started snowing at about 1:00 and didn't stop until after 9:00. We probably got close to 3-4 inches of fresh powder it was great! I think I'm finally recovered from the soreness of snowboarding.

Although, I'm still sick. I probably shouldn't have been on the side of a mountain snowboarding all day Thursday, but I was and now I'm paying for it.

I feel asleep on the couch during the Giants/Packers game last night and Becky made me get off the couch and go to bed. That was about 9:00. I slept straight through till my alarm went off at 6:15 (ew... I dislike getting up) Still not feeling the greatest, but I'm sure I'll pull through.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snowboarding . . .

I'm working from home this morning for a few hours and then I'll be hitting the slopes. I'm going snowboarding up at bear creek with a group from our church. I can't wait! It's been a long time since I've been able to go snowboarding and I love it thats the annoying part. So I'm leaving our house at around 2-2:30 to head up to bear creek. Looking forward to a fun evening!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I've got to get better...

. . . at updating this blog. . .

Christmas day was crazy busy we started it at mom and dad's in the morning . . .


after 5 stops and about 12 hours

we finished the day at John and Bev's (another Christmas tradition)

Last weekend we went to Pittsburgh with my parents and In-laws. My parents came from Michigan and Becky's parents, who live in the same town as we do, left a few hours before us. Becky and I drove out after work. It was a great weekend. I'll try to post some pictures later on. . . (this time I hope it's less than 2 weeks later)

We stayed south west of the city in Green Tree it's about a 10 min drive into downtown. Of course the weekend we plan to go is the same weekend that the Steelers and the Penguins BOTH had a home game. It was a good time and it was good to see the family.

Now it's back to the full work week. . . This weekend we are planning ANOTHER trip this time we are going to Virginia to see Ryan, Emily and Baby Brooke.